"I have spent thousands of dollars and lost (and gained) hundreds of pounds. Every other program I’ve ever done has always been about the food – and about measuring, and about restrictions. No other program ever addressed what was happening within ME, and the constant conflict between my mind and my body."
Carrie Nyssen
"This whole thing was an INTERNAL job, and now food is finally just food. It’s no longer my source of comfort or shame. But it was so much more than the food….I was in an internal war with myself, and it was a hateful, mean-spirited, vicious war. And now that's just not who I am anymore."
Suzanne Graney
You’ll always end up back in alignment with the wiring in your brain.
And if your brain is wired to crave and obsess over food…
The real enemy isn’t food.
It’s your thinking and the way it makes you feel. They shape your self-image and self-talk and cause your unhappiness.
It’s what I call the weight of the weight. And it’s the OPPOSITE of freedom.
But all that can change with Stressless Eating.
Just read what some of my clients have to say:
“The focus of Stressless Eating was totally different. I’ve done all the weight-loss programs. I’ve tortured myself with gym memberships that I hated, punished my body for not stepping in line, punished myself for being “weak-willed” or “gluttonous” or “lazy”. None of that is true. This program was about self-love. Stressless Eating is about healing"
Renee M
Focus on the SYMPTOMS
Focus on FOOD
Focus on your BODY
Focus on your THOUGHTS
Focus on your BRAIN
Focus on your NERVOUS SYSTEM (Physical. Mental. Emotional)
End the CYCLE. Heal the PROBLEM
Stress-induced cravings and "eating your feelings" in cookie dough
Self-criticism, comparison-itus, and inner “smack-talking” voices.
Playing ‘food police’ 24 hours a day.
Stress eating
Mindless eating
Emotional eating
Crazy-rigid rules
Chronic deprivation
Force-feeding yourself brussel sprouts
Eye-rolling self-affirmations
"My life is unrecognizable from when I started. By this I mean that my EXTERNAL life hasn’t changed; I live in the same house with my husband and kids etc.... BUT my internal world is completely different. I feel deeply connected to myself and who I am…"
Tanith Lee
Get There Easier, Stay There Longer, And Enjoy It MUCH More By Changing Nothing More Than Your Thoughts…
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