What's Included:

THE Entire Rewire Your 'Food Brain' SYSTEM
[VALUE $997]

Bonus: THE Rewire Your 'Food Brain' Tool kit [VALUE $497]

Bonus: Rewire Your 'Food Brain' Beliefs overhaul [VALUE $497]


Total Value = $2,988

Regular Price = $197

Today’s Price = $97

What people are saying:

"I have spent thousands of dollars and lost (and gained) hundreds of pounds. Every other program I’ve ever done has always been about the food – and about measuring, and about restrictions. No other program ever addressed what was happening within ME, and the constant conflict between my mind and my body."

Carrie N.

"This whole thing was an INTERNAL job, and now food is finally just food. It’s no longer my source of comfort or shame. But it was so much more than the food….I was in an internal war with myself, and it was a hateful, mean-spirited, vicious war. And now that's just not who I am anymore."

Suzanne G.

"My life is unrecognizable from when I started. By this I mean that my EXTERNAL life hasn’t changed; I live in the same house with my husband and kids etc.... BUT my internal world is completely different. I feel deeply connected to myself and who I am…"

Tanith L.

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Successful Student Interview Series

The Successful Student Interview series is a video series of my most successful clients as they share tips, strategies, and their stories to success. 

Order Summary


Got questions?

“I feel like I’ve tried every diet under the sun, and nothing has worked...why would this be any different?”

To that question I say: You’re right! Diet’s DON’T work!

Whenever a woman comes to me that’s tried everything, it’s always a food-focused approach, a restriction-based approach, or using the ‘diet mentality’ (or ‘weight loss mentality’) as the strategy— which in turns makes the problem WORSE as we’ve learned!

And all that does is take you BACK in the direction of restriction, deprivation, obsession, or complication….or cause you to constantly weigh, measure, track, or account for your food. All of which cause you to OBSESS over food even MORE — when all you want is to think about food LESS.

Not to mention that most programs are designed to give you short-term results, but only while you’re living inside that weight loss ‘bubble’— and it’s impossible to keep that up forever.

We take a completely different approach that’s designed with the end in mind: To re-wire the part of the brain that's reaching for food when you're not hungry, and give you a system of thinking that sets you free FOREVER…so you NEVER have to deal with this again! We do this by swimming ‘upstream’ to where your problem actually lives: the mind, the brain, and the self image.

Unlike dieting or other food-focused approaches that get HARDER the more you practice it (and you get WORSE at it the more you practice it), we swim ‘upstream’ and change the thinking that’s causing you to eat the way you are or use food to fill some sort of void.

We rewire your brain for FREEDOM by giving you a new language to speak around food — one that you get BETTER at it the more you practice it, and it gets EASIER the more you practice it.

It’s the difference between constantly putting fires out (fires out, fires out) day after day after day…. VS. finding the source of the fire and preventing future fires from popping back up. It’s a permanent, life-long, forever solution — not a temporary fix.

“I’ve tried EVERYTHING. What if I’m the one person this doesn’t work for?” 

Ya know what? To me, that actually shows me that your brain is getting SMARTER! Your brain knows that another “eat less, move more” solution is NOT going to fix this problem, and that it WOULD be more of the same.

And that’s exactly why we have to take a radically different approach— one where you begin with the end in mind and actually fix the problem… and close the open loop in your brain.

Because at the end of the day, I could give you the Stressless Eating strategies that I give my clients (including Binge-Free Brain), but if we don’t identify those “weeds” in the garden of your mind that are sabotaging you, keeping you from trusting yourself, or straight up setting you up to fail…. you’ll always end up right back where you are right now. Because you can’t out-strategize, out perform, or out smart THAT. And that is not a food problem

And that’s exactly why we have to start at the self image. AND that’s exactly why you need BOTH:

So when I say both, I mean: a new strategy so that the food side of things becomes simple and stressless and sustainable(key word sustainable)…

...but also the brain and self image that you’re going to need to actually make all that happen….or else you’re RIGHT: this time WON’T be any different.

So ladies…What I’m saying is this: your healthy skepticism and fears that this will be “one more thing that that doesn’t work” is a GOOD thing — it’s your brain’s way of telling you that you HAVE to take a radically different approach to address it this time around.

And I can promise you this: this Binge-Free Brain approach we talked about today - and I can say this with 100% certainty - isn’t something you’ve ever failed at before….

Because you’ve never tried it before. You’ve never started at healthy and started at happy and HEALED your relationship with food and your body.

This is the radically different approach you need to fix this for good. And this works for absolutely every woman who is ready to put in the work.

But also…if you really have tried everything and you feel like “i know what to do, but i can’t get myself to do it”… can i challenge you on that and ask: what if you actually don’t know what to do?

What if you simply learned the diet mentality and the broken model of the “eat less, move more” equation, and that NOW is the time to open your mind to the possibility that your solution is in your blindspot - not in another diet and not in another exercise program. And the reason you haven’t been able to fix this on your own is because you “don’t know what you don’t know” and you ‘can’t see what you can’t see’.…

And you’re going to need guidance to show you what’s in your blindspot.

"What happens if I fall behind?"

You’ll have lifetime access to the program, so you can complete the material at your own pace. Lifetime access entitles you to any and all updates I add to the program at no additional charge.

"So, what exactly do I get when I enroll today?"

When you enroll today, you’ll get immediate access to an exclusive membership portal where all your course materials are stored. You’ll receive access to the all the bonuses as well.

Once inside, it's laid out ingredient-by-ingredient, just like following a recipe. The entire system comes in video/audio/visual formats based on your preferred learning style and includes accompanying worksheets, cheat sheets, and flashcards designed to help you get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

"How is this different than your Stressless Eating program?"

DISCLAIMER & TOTAL TRANSPARENCY: Binge Free Brain is just a small piece of the Stressless Eating (and Self Imaging) puzzle. This will not heal ALL of your (decades of)food, body-image, and self-image struggles just like that. (And if anyone tries to make that promise via a digital offering or course, run far and run fast!)

Stressless Eating is my 90 day intensive flagship signature program where I hold your hand through COMPLETE food and body freedom. This is ONE PIECE of that puzzle that (I know) if I were going to start you anywhere, this is THE most powerful place to start.

Because you will get to know your brain (and how it works and what it wants) on a level that you have never experienced or imagined. And secretly I know that what you learn will NOT Just help you create a Binge-Free Brain, but it will spill over into you being a kinder, more compassionate version of yourself in every area of your life.

In other words, I asked myself, how can I START women on their Stressless Eating journeys in the most POWERFUL way possible? This is that power-packed first step.

"Will I get access to Leanne?"

NO. This offering is strictly a self-guided program and does not include any support.

“Can’t I just figure this out on my own?"

Not if you want results quickly. Consider this program your Fast Track Pass. Each day you postpone signing up for this program is another missed opportunity for your freedom.

How much time, energy, money, heart, and soul have you already spent NOT to fix this problem? This system has already worked like gangbusters for hundreds of women just like you, and it will work for you if you simply follow the plan and put in the work.

...busy moms
...busy career women
...busy-brained women

STOP being busy and implement a system that provides you an opportunity to take your power back and STOP thinking about food 24 hours a day!

On your day off…
On your vacations…
As you're falling asleep every night (and let's be honest, it's on your brain first thing in the morning)...

It’s your choice: keep going full speed ahead with nothing to show for it -- living on the up-and-down diet roller coaster...sabotaging your efforts Tim and time again.


Start RE-WIRING your brain, so that you just wake up and THINK this way every day!

Which do you want?

How much time will it take for me to complete the course and see results?

This system was designed for you to binge (pun totally intended!) in a couple of hours if you desire! And once you understand the systematic frameworks I'll be teaching you inside, you'll be able to implement this stuff right away...and end the binge-cycle IMMEDIATELY!

PLUS...if you want to go deeper and deeper, there's further exploration that you can wash, rinse, and repeat each time you want the next layer, and the next layer, and the next layer. The possibilities are endless!

“Who is the BEST fit for Binge-Free Brain?"

There are three types of people who benefit the most from this program.

>> You feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING - but your compulsions always come back with a vengeance, and the more things you try, the more you feel like a failure and wonder if this is just how it's always going to be. (Of course it's not! You just haven’t learned a way to do it that actually addresses the REAL problem .)

>> Do you WANT to learn to be "emotionally available" to yourself instead of "eating your feelings", but you have no idea what that even looks like, and even though it sounds amazing, it also sounds a little scary and out of your depth. (Hint: This program shows you how to do it.)

>> You are DONE missing out on your life and and obsessing 24 hours a day, and you're READY to address it for good, so you can start feeling in control and at peace with food and your body…. and just get back to just living. (OMG, YES. Sign up already so we can do this!)

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A porttitor vivamus, dolor eros torquent tortor a blandit rutrum senectus aenean. Morbi vivamus fusce posuere himenaeos. Id lacus donec nostra morbi, laoreet primis.

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