Boot Camp 2

Heal the ‘Diet Mentality’ and Learn the Language Of Stressless Eating In Just 6 Weeks…



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]The reason why Stressless Eating is so dang powerful is because we take a completely different approach…[/text_block]

Because Here Is What Your Problem Is NOT:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]It’s NOT a food and fitness problem. You could probably write your own book on how to lose weight or change your body. It’s not an information problem, it’s an IMPLEMENTATION problem.

It’s NOT a motivation or willpower problem. Any woman that commits to a plan based on restriction, micromanaging every morsel of food she eats, or convincing herself day in, day out to do things that don’t excite her, will indeed require RIDICULOUS amounts of motivation and willpower (that even Superwoman herself couldn’t uphold long-term.)

It’s not a commitment problem or a time and schedule problem either. Most likely you DO have the time. It’s just that you’re so worn out, exhausted, or downright defeated by your lifestyle and schedule that NO ONE would blame you for wanting to veg out on the couch and turn your brain off after a hard day’s work.[/text_block]

It’s a THINKING Problem…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]The THINKING that is causing you to “know what to do”, but not (for the life of you) get yourself to actually do it.

The THINKING that is causing you to emotionally belittle yourself every time you see your reflection in the mirror or when you feel like you failed in some way….

The THINKING that is causing you to commit yourself to crazy aspirations that aren’t practical for even the most motivated, disciplined woman to sustain long term — and ends up leaving you even more burnt out, discouraged, and defeated than you were to begin with.[/text_block]

  • Don’t just learn how to diet, restrict, weigh and measure…
  • Don’t just learn how to work out, burn calories, or ‘control’ your body…
  • Don’t spend your days on the on-again off-again roller coaster, feeling like life is passing you by…

Taught in stories, metaphors, Are-You-Smarter-Than-a-5th-Grader science.


Influenced by Neuroscience, Psychology, Physiology, and the
School of the Hard Knocks.


Part discovery. Part experimentation. Part practice.


“If you have a stressful or emotional relationship with food and you’re ready to address it, Leanne’s your gal.”

“There is no one else like Leanne! She has the ability to affect systemic and lasting change in a way that is DESPERATELY missing from the wellness world/world in general, and she is an absolute genius when it comes to the science of the body and the brain. If you have a stressful or emotional relationship with food and you’re ready to address it, Leanne’s your gal.”

Laura Lea Bryant

Laura Lea Bryant
Holistic Chef & Cookbook Author


Here’s the Strategy:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]You set aside 6 weeks of your life, and we go in and fix this problem for good.

Not patch it up with diets or put band-aids on the problem – I mean we go take the stress and emotion out of food for good, create your version of food freedom, so you can have a LIFETIME of food freedom.[/text_block]

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STEP 1: The Un-Brainwashing


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]We must ‘un-brainwash’ you of The Diet Mentality and all the stories and beliefs that have hypnotized you into thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that are causing the chaos. The Weight of the Weight is way bigger than you think. 

Then (and only then) can we move on to Step 2:[/text_block]

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STEP 2: A NEW ‘Kool-Aid’ To Drink


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]I’m going to give you a new system of thinking. Only this time, we are going to start with Freedom, Peace-of-Mind, and Happiness…and bring it with you every where you go.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Because at the end of the day, I could straight-up GIVE you the Stressless Eating strategy (system) that I give my clients,  but if we don’t identify those ‘weeds’ in the garden of your mind that are sabotaging you, keeping you from trusting yourself, or straight up setting you up to fail, you’ll always end up right back where you are right now.

Because you can’t out-strategize, out perform or out smart THAT— so it’s gotta be both:[/text_block]

  • A new STRATEGY so that food is simple and stressless and sustainable, but also…
  • The STORIES and thinking (and Self-Image) that you’ll need to actually make it happen.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]So what’s going to happen is we are going to REALLY hard-wire your brain for permanent freedom….so that you can live the REST OF YOUR LIFE…and food can no longer trigger you or control you again.[/text_block]

Teaching You How To ‘Fish’


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Each week was designed for you to get:

The INFORMATION you need to create new understanding and the necessary shifts in your thinking.

The IMPLEMENTATION side of things where we look ‘underneath the hood’ and find out what this looks like for you to implement these concepts into YOUR life and what you need to do to address your needs.

And then of course the support for the INTEGRATION side of things – living this out in the real world – putting it into practice (and that is the part where you are going to need some support, some guidance, and perhaps a little hand-holding while you learn and integrate, and that’s where I come in.)[/text_block]




Here’s How It Works:

(The 3 I’s)





[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]This is your blueprint for success. There are lessons in the members area that are designed to give you a specific breakthrough.

These lessons are very thorough, and they’re going to walk you through this step by step, so you can go at your OWN pace, you don’t get overwhelmed, and we can solve this one piece at a time.

Imagine building your dream home. You’ll need a blueprint to map out the way. This is THAT.

The modules and the trainings are going to be yours (even after the 6 weeks!). You can watch them any hour of the day. So if you’re busy — that’s not a problem. Watch them in the morning, watch them at night, and take notes. That way you can go at your own pace, you can deconstruct it, and if you have a problem, boom! I am right there to help you.

REMEMBER THOUGH: The information is going to cover a portion of what you need to know, but you’re going to have questions and need support. The devil’s in the details.  (And we’ll talk about that in just a moment, but first…)[/text_block]





[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]This is where you take what you’ve learned from the trainings,  and you do the work.) We start extracting YOUR recipes, YOUR definitions, and YOUR puzzle pieces that we want bring to life.  Because this only works if we make it work for YOUR life, so this is where we do that.

Which brings us to the 3rd part:[/text_block]




[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]This is the support element, and the glue that brings it all together. Remember you’re here because you tried doing it on your own, and you know you need help  — you know you need support. But also you can’t solve an emotional problem with intellect alone. You’re going to hit some emotional road blocks along the way, and that’s why there’s 2 elements of support to make sure you get what you need.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]

1. Weekly Coaching Calls



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Every single week, there is a live Q&A call. You’ll dial in, you get on the phone with me ask me anything you need. I keep working with you  until you get and you’re clear.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]

2.  Unlimited 1-on-1 Coaching Through The Help Desk



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]I didn’t want you to have to wait until the next week’s call for support, so in between the Q&A calls there’s a big turquoise button in the member area that says “HELP”.

You click that button and you can send in any question and ask me anything you want. So anytime, no matter where you are, no matter how stuck you are , no matter what happens, I’ll always be there to help you….because I know how crucial support really is for this journey.[/text_block]



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]The point being; The Support you get along the way is truly the key to this all coming together. Talk about accountability.

You and I (and the voices in your head of course!) will be immersed in new conversation and way of being, and we are going to work together 1-on-1 to ensure that you get everything that you need.

All you have to do is show up: Show up open-minded, open-hearted, committed and coachable.  The rest will take care of itself. :)[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Stressless Eating was created specifically for women that are sick of working their butt off for temporary change, and are ready to SIMPLIFY this whole self care ‘thing’ once and for all.

But here’s the thing…

I’m not talking about temporary, on-again, off-again results that you gain back after you step out of the ‘healthy bubble’.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]I’m referring to PERMANENT life transformation — as in, putting this problem to bed for good.[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]And I have to be honest: It’s NOT for everyone…[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Here’s who it IS for…[/text_block]
  • You are ready (and open) to seeing things through a new lens, new goggles, new perspectives, and new possibilities.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″](Because the “definition of insanity” means doing the same things over again and expecting different results, and you’re sick of that!)[/text_block]
  • You’re ready to work SMARTER, not HARDER.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″](If you’re looking for a harsher diet, more intense training, or a way to kick it up 100 notches, this is not that. This is actually a ‘less is more’ approach.)[/text_block]
  • You’re ready to stop wasting your time, energy, money, heart, and soul merely addressing the effects, and you are ready to really put this problem to bed!
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″](As in, remove the stress and emotion and obsession from food for good….and break yourself out of the food prison and throw away the key!)[/text_block]

If that’s you, then keep reading…

Get Off the Diet Roller Coaster Once and For All.

Most programs completely ignore the mental, emotional, and social components of the modern-day woman and essentially are created for success only when you’re living inside the “lose weight, get healthy” bubble

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What Makes Stressless Eating Boot Camp So Different?


  • It addresses the root of the problem instead of merely masking the symptoms.
  • It delivers long-term transformation, not just short-term change.
  • It fits inside the context of your own life – rather than trying to fit your life back inside of your program or plan.
  • It smashes the mental, emotional, and physical roadblocks that typically keep women stuck in the on-again, off-again roller coaster cycle.
  • It takes a brain-based, smarter-not-harder approach. As soon as we change mind, your body will naturally follow.
  • It’s NOT another diet or exercise or “just love yourself, already!” program. It’s the exact system I used to heal my own struggles and all my personal clients as well.

“I feel freedom from my old diet mentality and I have found freedom from my negative inner bitchiness.”

“My life is unrecognizable from when I started. By this I mean that my EXTERNAL life hasn’t changed; I live in the same house with my husband and kids etc…. BUT my internal world is completely different. I feel deeply connected to myself and who I am. I feel freedom from my old diet mentality and I have found freedom from my negative inner bitchiness.”

Tanith Lee

Tanith Lee


Here’s What We’ll Cover:







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The Fundamentals +
Honing In Your Mindset



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Before you can pave the way for food freedom, you’ve got to clear out the ‘head trash’ and start with a clean slate. If you’ve been stuck in the ‘Diet Mentality’ for a long time, we must purge the poison. That’s why in this module, we’ll be getting up close and personal with your individual thoughts and zeroing in on how (and why) you keep getting stuck… so that you can STOP the self-sabotage and START the self-love. You’ll also learn how to ritualize your success from day 1 and learn self-care in ‘minimums’ (not maximums!), so that we can pave the way for consistency from the get-go! These foundations are your key to freedom. [/text_block]



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A NEW Food Conversation
+ Your Freedom Goggles



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]We aren’t going to waste any time getting you into the mindset of Stressless Eating. I’ll be giving you a crystal-clear framework so that you can start discovering and practicing Food Freedom right away — but without counting calories, playing ‘food police’, tracking, weighing, or measuring. While most systems cause you to think about food even MORE, I’m going to shift your thinking and flip the paradigm so that instead of controlling food….you’re simply influencing who you’re being around food so that you ALWAYS eat in a way that aligns you with your goals — but without even having to think about it! The beauty is in its simplicity, and I assure you: You’ve never experienced anything like it.[/text_block]












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Healing the Cycle of Overeating
+ Your New Food Goggles



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Healing the cycle of overeating will NEVER happen if you’re playing the game of sugar-restriction, making foods ‘off limits’, or approaching it as if it’s a food problem altogether. Here’s what we know: It IS possible to smash DECADES of binge-eating, emotional eating, and self-sabotage IF you know how to pull it from its roots and deal with it once and for all. And I promise you: Yes, you can do all of this without needing years of therapy or opening up an emotional “can of worms”, and I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to heal it once and for all so that you CAN eat warm chocolate chip cookies without the guilt![/text_block]


WEEKS 4-6:

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Your Big Fat Eating Experiments
(#1, #2, #3)



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Transformation is not created through INFORMATION alone. And that’s why the entire second half of the program is dedicated to putting what you’ve learned into practice and living this out in the real world through a series of experiments. That way you can take what works, leave the rest, and hone in YOUR personal version of Stressless Eating. And don’t worry — you’ll be supported every step of the way to help you fill in the blanks. Let the last diet you went on…. be the last diet you EVER go on! Experimentation is your ticket to freedom.[/text_block]








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A Lifetime Of Stressless Eating



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]In this final module, it’s time to ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature as soon as possible, so that your version of Stressless Eating becomes virtually effortless and you can create a ‘new normal’ when it comes to food.[/text_block]




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Resource Library + Extra Tools


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You’ll get access to our entire Resource Library filled with extra videos, resources, tutorials & more to help you up-level your life & get to where you want to go. From video masterclasses & printables…. to cheat sheets & guided relaxations. These resources will help you implement what you’re learning and keep things interesting![/text_block]









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Plug Yourself In


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”27″]Each week you’ll get a live Q&A call, where you can get your questions answered and your sticking points addressed first hand. This intimate small-group format was strategically designed to ensure that you still get the 1-on-1 support that you need, and we will make sure we get you super-clear, focused, and directed. Just show up, and you’ll get whatever you need.

Plus there’s something magical about connecting with other like-minded women that share this unique struggles and are on their unique journey in parallel to yours. You’ll benefit from their questions, and you’ll discover things you didn’t even know you were looking for. It’s a built-in community of acceptance and support with women that speak your language.[/text_block]




Unlimited 1-on-1 Support & Coaching From Leanne:

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24/7 Access to the Help Desk



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You’re never alone. You’re always supported. Get immediate access to me so that you don’t have to wait until your next coaching call to get the clarity, direction, or support that you need.

With our 24/7 Help Desk, you simply click a button and send me a written or audio message. So anytime, no matter where you are, no matter how stuck you are, no matter what’s happening, I’ll always be there to help you….because I know how crucial support really is for this journey.[/text_block]






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Hi! Laura Lea here…


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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”24″]If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I NEVER do this. I never personally get behind someone else’s products or philosophies….especially around food.

As a cookbook author and holistic chef myself, I’m grateful for my relationship with food, and fortunately didn’t struggle to create it like Leanne did. But Leanne…[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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She’s actually been THROUGH it.


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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”24″]She’s someone who’s been where you are and struggled like you have. She’s already overcome it and actually HEALED the struggle.

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the power of her Stressless Eating program first hand — working personally with her clients — and the results were nothing short of a miracle.  I knew I wanted to get involved. There’s nothing like this out there, and Leanne has the ability to affect systemic and lasting change in a way that is DESPERATELY missing from the wellness world.

So Leanne and I got to talking, and we realized that the same stress and emotion that women experience with food…[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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It shows up in COOKING too!


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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”24″]To a lot of women, cooking is STRESSFUL!

And that’s when Leanne and I got to work. We hunkered down Asheville for 4 days, determined not to leave until we were able to take the stress and emotion out of cooking… and help women take control of their lives by taking control of their KITCHEN!

And Stressless Cooking was born :)[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”24″]So here’s what Leanne and I are doing for my Instagram followers.

If you register for the Stressless Eating Boot Camp in the next 7 days, you’ll get $500 OFF the price of the program.


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We are going to throw in the entire Stressless Cooking program for FREE!


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You’ll get the entire 4-part Stressless Cooking program, PLUS:


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  • The 5-Step Stressless Cooking ‘Success Mindset’
  • The Stressless Cooking Audit
  • Stressless Cooking ‘Personality Test’
  • Your Big Fat Cooking Experiment Walk-Through
  • 2 BONUS coaching calls with ME, where I’ll personally help you implement everything you learn!


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A Step-By-Step Strategy For Re-wiring Your Brain To
Permanently Conquer Binge-Eating, Emotional Eating, and Self-Sabotage.

(So you can finally stop worrying, obsessing, and stressing about it
and be done with dieting forever.)

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After Stressless Eating Boot Camp You Will:


  • You’ll be able to finally be done with all this food and body ‘stuff’ once and for all. (And you can finally stop the dieting madness)
  • You’ll be able to GET OFF that Up/Down, On/Off, All-or-Nothing ‘Results roller coaster’ (And you’ll know how to give yourself those permanent changes — not just get short-term results.)
  • The voices of your Inner-Critic, Comparison-itus, or Perfectionism will STOP causing you to doubt, criticize, overthink, and judge everything you say, eat, wear, or do.
  • You’ll stop beating yourself up, shaming yourself, judging yourself, and stressing yourself out around food!
  • You’ll understand that you’re not broken, you’re not weak-willed, and you’re not REALLY a self-sabotager.
  • You’ll be able to eat with freedom, permission, and choice, and actually ENJOY your food – including that warm chocolate chip cookie!
  • You won’t have to choose between health OR happiness…you can have BOTH! (I promise you: You can get results AND enjoy your experience of life while you go!)

“I am 100% a completely different person because of you.”

“I am 100% a completely different person because of you. In my work, in my personal life, in all areas of my life. When I started working with you, I didn’t know what I wanted, I just knew I didn’t want to be where I was. You never told me how to feel, you were always just there guiding me. And working with you allowed me to look into myself and find out what was REALLY happening. You literally turned my life around. You turned my brain back around and transformed me into the person I have become.”

Daniela Pitts

Daniela Pitts

“Leanne is the best in the world at what she does.”

“When I have clients, family, and close friends who need help overcoming the emotional challenges of food and dieting I refer them to Leanne.  Leanne has a unique approach based in research and science, but also has the personal experience to know how to help her clients really get to the root of the problem. Leanne is the best in the world at what she does.”

Kevin Donahue

Kevin Donahue
Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur


Stressless Eating Is PERFECT For You If…

  • You know what to do, but can’t get yourself to actually DO it…or do it for more than a little while.
  • You’re DONE doing the one-step forward, two-steps backwards ‘dance’.
  • You’re ready to stop spending tons of time, energy, and money on books, programs, and cookie-cutter plans that don’t set you up for permanent success AND make you hate your journey while you’re on it.
  • You’re done feeling like YOU are the reason you haven’t crossed the ‘finishline’ yet– feeling like your own worst enemy or a self-sabotager.
  • You’re ready to stop beating yourself up, talking yourself off ledges, and feeling like your body is an all-consuming hassle in your life
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  • If you’re looking for a quick fix, or a magic bullet, or a miracle pill. This is not that kind of program.
  • If you’re looking for a police woman or a belt-tightener. This is not that kind of program.
  • If you’re looking for a harsher diet, more intense training, or a way to kick it up 100 notches. This is actually a ‘less is more’ approach.
  • If you’re looking for someone else to do it FOR you, again this isn’t that kind of program.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]If you’re finally ready to end the constant, never-ending battle between your mind and your body, your head and your heart, this program was designed for you.

Because let’s face it: “Loving your body” is something many of us can do with words and the intellect; but without behavioral shifts and THINKING shifts, it’s essentially useless (and even potentially harmful).[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]And right now you’re at a crossroads:[/text_block]
  • You’re painfully aware that there’s this ongoing battle between your head and your heart… and no matter what you do, your emotional self seems to have more powerful ‘weapons’ than your logical self .
  • You know you can’t keep going down this same road of ‘insanity’ doing the same things over and over again (and expecting different results)… but your truth tells you that you don’t know a better alternative, and that in itself scares the crap out of you.
  • You’ve tried every method, system, diet, jump start, and alternative under the sun — everything BUT changing your mind and your thinking ….but “thinking your way positive” never worked very long, and you’re tired of trying to do this alone.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You know something’s gotta give.[/text_block]
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And that something has to be different than
anything you’ve ever tried before.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You’re not trying to look like a supermodel, a stick figure, or your 21-year-old self.

You simply want to feel confident in your body, comfortable in your own skin, and not have to OBSESS over every morsel of food you consume or the number on the scale.

You’re NOT lazy, but you also don’t want to go work your butt off just to end up right back where you started shortly thereafter (and I don’t blame you!)

You’re not necessarily looking for EASY…but you know it doesn’t have to be so HARD.[/text_block]

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You’re right. It doesn’t.



And despite what you think, what you’ve heard,
or what you’ve been told:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You are NOT crazy, weak willed, or unmotivated.

You are NOT overemotional, a worrywart or an over thinker.

And you’re NOT selfish, irresponsible, or superficial for wanting to like how you look, move, and feel in your body.

You’re a woman, and your body makes you so!

You KNOW that you feel better, are happier, and enjoy your life MORE when you feel good in your body.

And (hopefully) you’re starting to figure it out that you’re able to be a better woman, partner, mother, sister, friend, boss, employee, etc…

AND better able to support, serve, love, and care for those that are most important to you…if you ‘do you’ FIRST– if you support and care for yourself FIRST.

It’s time to do YOU![/text_block]


“Food is now totally a non-issue!”

“I’m like your best case study ever! Things are so good and I feel so solid! Trust me, I’m pleasantly surprised, but I’ve got my rituals that we created that I check in with every day. Food is now totally a non issue (and I’m still making strides on my body), and I finally started meditating! My business is better than ever, and now my clients get to see the ‘real’ me. I’m seriously like a whole new woman!”

Kristin Larsen

Kristin Larsen


Here’s What To Do Next…






[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Each Stressless Eating experience is catered to the individual based on your wants, your needs, your commitment– the whole lot.

But in order to figure out what that looks like, how it could get pieced together, or if it’s even a fit for both of us, we need to first have a powerful (and transformational) conversation.

And that’s why I offer all women the opportunity to schedule a (complimentary) Transformation Conversation with me.

Most simply, a Transformation Conversation is a conversation about your transformation.

But more specifically it’s an opportunity for you and I to virtually meet (ear-to-ear) and have a truthful, loving, and impactful conversation about YOUR struggles and how it’s impacting your life….

And then talk about the transformation that you KNOW you need to make to overcome them for good….

★ Not patching them up.
★ Not putting out the fires.
★ Not addressing the effects.
★ Not employing a bunch of short-term tactics for quick succession.

I’m talking about solving the problem.

Closing the loop.

Preventing the fires from coming back.

And truly TRANSFORMING YOU (not just changing you) from the inside out.

So if you feel it in your gut that working with me is something you feel you at least need to explore, then let’s have a conversation about it.

It’s an invitation without expectation to come connect with me — to let me ask you some powerful questions (that I guarantee you’re not asking yourself)…

…And let’s step into a powerful conversation together.

Then you can decide if working with me is for you. Fair enough?[/text_block]



Schedule Your FREE Transformation Conversation >>