Implementation: (Learn it ONCE, have it FOREVER)


Course Not Started

beliefs overhaul

Implementation: (Learn it ONCE, have it FOREVER)

You'll learn how to bring it all together so you can learn it ONCE...and have it FOREVER

Implementation: (Learn it ONCE, have it FOREVER)

Where To Go From Here...

We are going to talk about how to best use and start IMPLEMENTING Rewire Your Food Brain

BONUS: Stop Downward Spirals & Emotional 'Rabbit Holes'

Stop Downward Spirals & Emotional 'Rabbit Holes' (Data vs Drama & Reality Check)

BONUS: “Hypnotize” Your Brain & Trick Your Nervous System

“Hypnotize” Your Brain & Trick Your Nervous System

Off-boarding Survey

We would love to hear about your experience with Binge-Free Brain as a whole. Please take a moment to fill out your off-boarding survey.

Your Guide & Teacher

Leanne Ellington

Author, educator, mad scientist, lover of warm chocolate chip cookies, & creator of Stressless Eating

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