The Science of Sabotage


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The Science of Sabotage

Learn why you do what you do, and how to rewire your brain that is emotional mindless stress eating....or anything that comforts, numbs, distracts, or sooths.

Rewire Your (Self-Sabotaging) Food Brain

Rewire Your (Self-Sabotaging) Food Brain

In this lesson, you will learn how to Rewire Your (Self-Sabotaging) Food Brain

Check Point: "Slow is SMOOTH, Smooth is FAST"

In this lesson we are going to go over what the Binge-Free Brain Live Experiment will entail and how it will aid in your journey to heal the cycle of overeating.

Your Guide & Teacher

Leanne Ellington

Author, educator, mad scientist, lover of warm chocolate chip cookies, & creator of Stressless Eating

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