Welcome & Thank You!

Please check your email for your access details to the program.

Leanne Ellington

A Personal Thank You From Leanne...

Thank you for allowing me to join you on your Binge-Free Brain journey, and welcome to the program! I am SO excited for you to dive in! 

All your login details are currently being sent to your inbox, and they should arrive real soon! As soon as they do... dive on in!


For whatever reason, 75% of our client's Login Emails Go To SPAM
(AKA...There's a BIG chance yours did too!)

**So make sure you check your spam and mark "NOT SPAM" for the future***

And in the meantime check out what some of the other Stressless Eating students had to say about their experiences re-wiring their own brains...

Check Inbox

You will receive an email real soon with all your login details, so please check your junk/spam folder and make sure those email gremlins didn't snag it. 

Login Details

Within the email is all that you will need to access your member portal and kick off your journey! Your login page will ALWAYS live at StresslessEating.com/members

...Need help?

If you have any questions contact us:

Your Order Summary

Order number:
Month 01, 2020
$ 0.00
Payment Method:
Credit/Debit Card

Order Details

$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Tax 0.00%
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

Future Payments

Payment for starting
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Tax 0.00%
$ 0.00
Future Amount
$ 0.00

Billing address

Name Surname
Buckingham Palace
SW1A 2AA London
United Kingdom

You have no rights to see this order.

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