
Empower Your Mind to Transform Your Body:

Leverage the power of brain psychology to reverse the 'Brain Damage' of Chronic Dieting & get off the Roller Coaster in Just 90 days... 

(without unnecessary sacrifices, drastic measures, or costly therapy!) 

Start at the ROOTS. Figure it out ONCE. Have it FOREVER

End the war with you’re in with food and your body …and finally bridge the chocolate-cake sized gap between your head and your heart

(Because you cannot out-diet, out-perform, or out-smart your relationship with food and the wiring in your brain.)



Empower Your Mind to Transform Your Body:

Leverage the power of brain psychology to reverse the 'Brain Damage' of Chronic Dieting & get off the Roller Coaster in Just 90 days... 

(without unnecessary sacrifices, drastic measures, or costly therapy!) 

Start at the ROOTS. Figure it out ONCE. Have it FOREVER

End the war with you’re in with food and your body …and finally bridge the chocolate-cake sized gap between your head and your heart

(Because you cannot out-diet, out-perform, or out-smart your relationship with food and the wiring in your brain.)


Most women think they need to make a CHOICE…

Either live in a body they don’t like


Hate who they have to BE, what they have to DO, or how they have to FEEL to get the one they do want.

And this viscous self-deprecating cycle leads to:

Bouncing around from one diet to the next, feeling like a failure because nothing ever works, and you feel stuck on this all-or-nothing “on/off”, “up/down” roller coaster.

ALWAYS thinking about food! Feeling like food controls YOU more than YOU control it.

Feeling so UNCOMFORTABLE in your own skin and so much shame about your body.

Seeing other women getting the results and successes that you want, but having no idea how they’re doing it… and getting jealous and resentful of their success.

Fearing that people will “find you out” – that you’re keeping this deep dark secret and you’re not REALLY happy - you’re just putting on a front.

And isn’t it exhausting?

Who wouldn’t reach for the jar of cookies, the bottle of wine, or the kids’ snacks with all of that ‘excess baggage’ weighing you down?

It's not your fault!

Up until now, you’ve been taught (by the diet industry) that losing weight is simply an eat less, move more equation.

But it’s not true.

In fact, that backwards way of thinking is dangerous.

Because it teaches you how to put a bandaid over food compulsions, and cover up emotional pain. And it never heals the deeper problem for why every attempt to lose weight and love your body ended in failure.

THAT is why you’ve been stuck on the up-and-down, all-or-nothing diet roller coaster thinking...

Food is the enemy...

…Doomed to bring all of your unhealthy habits, behaviors, and punishing thoughts with you at every milestone and wishing you could just be like those girls on the magazines…

Feeling beautiful, and happy, and free.

Every ‘expert’ is telling you something different to do:

For me it would cause me to feel almost paralyzed, not knowing what I SHOULD be doing.

Because let’s be honest… It all works… Everything works…

Until it doesn’t.

And if you’re reading this right now, you’re probably starting to realize that if it really was as simple as reading more books or going on yet another diet, you would have healed from this a long time ago.

Because if we get to the root of it:

Count carbs, count calories, fake it till you make it, work harder at the gym.
This just confuses the daylights out of us!

The world is throwing more diets and exercise plans at a deeper problem.

(AKA you’re trying to ‘out-diet’ a deeper problem.)

The world is throwing more diets and exercise plans at a deeper problem.

(AKA you’re trying to ‘out-diet’ a deeper problem.)

But the weight on your body isn’t the real weight….

It’s all this other ‘stuff’ you’re carrying around (and doing) that’s so heavy… 
And those become the heavy, rusty, tangled chains that bind you, confine you, and weigh you down.
I call it 'The Weight of the Weight' ...

Weight #1: The ‘weight’ of DIETING:

(This causes that bounceback effect of the up-down, black-white, all-or-nothing roller coaster).
The ‘weight’ of the restriction, deprivation, punishment, persuasion, and STRESS that typically comes alongside food.


Weight #2: The ‘weight’ of being your own BIGGEST CRITIC:

The ‘weight’ of harsh judgements, self-criticism, guilt, shame, blame, comparison-itus, and perfectionism in your Self-Image & Self-Talk.


Weight #3: The ‘weight’ of your TRIGGERS:

(This is the TRUE reason for self-sabotage and emotional eating)
The ‘weight’ of all the physical, mental, or emotional STRESS that (if not released or addressed) TRIGGERS your deepest-engrained habits.


Weight #4: Waiting for the Weight:

To DO what you want to do, WEAR what you want to wear, BE who you want to be, and FEEL how you want to feel (Or insert/fill-in-the-blank of the life you’re NOT living because of your preoccupation with food or your weight).

But what if I told you the solution to losing the weight you’ve been dreaming of for years…

Was to ditch that weight?

(The "Weight of the Weight")

That’s when you can truly be free,
and THAT’S when everything will work for you.

Everyone-and-their-mama is talking about “ditching the diets” and “self-love” nowadays...’s actually kind of become 'en 'vogue to jump on that bandwagon.

But the only problem with that is: HOW?

How do you suddenly STOP doing what you’ve been doing for decades (or the only thing you’ve ever known)?

How do you suddenly STOP shaming yourself, hating on yourself, or criticizing yourself if it’s all your brain knows how to do?

And how do you just suddenly STOP dieting if you’ve been on the roller coaster a long time, and you’re terrified you’ll “go off the deep-end” and gain a bunch of weight if you’re NOT on something?

Everyone-and-their-mama is talking about “ditching the diets” and “self-love” nowadays...’s actually kind of become 'en 'vogue to jump on that bandwagon.

But the only problem with that is: HOW?

How do you suddenly STOP doing what you’ve been doing for decades (or the only thing you’ve ever known)?

How do you suddenly STOP shaming yourself, hating on yourself, or criticizing yourself if it’s all your brain knows how to do?

And how do you just suddenly STOP dieting if you’ve been on the roller coaster a long time, and you’re terrified you’ll “go off the deep-end” and gain a bunch of weight if you’re NOT on something?

Here’s what I CAN say about it for sure:

…it won’t come from another diet

…it won’t come from another exercise plan.

…your brain needs to heal AND the disorder needs to be addressed (but without shame).

So what DOES heal it? And what DOES work?

Re-Wiring Your Brain And Healing Your Relationship With Food Is The ONLY WAY To Escape the Never-Ending Diet Spiral You're On Once and For All.

That is how you...

 stop the cycle of restriction, deprivation, stress, and OBSESSION, and stop playing a losing game.

How to Re-wire your brain in 3 simple steps:

step 1

Break the chains

...that are causing "The Weight of the Weight"

step 2

Tame the Chimp. 

...that is driving your impulses

Then (and only tHEN) can you...

step 3

Re-Write the Story. 

...that is narrating the story of your Self-Image and Self-Talk (and make it the one that you WANT...not just the one that you HAVE.)

that is how you Re-wire your brain and heal your relationship with food.

Just imagine...

What would life would be like if you didn’t have to constantly think about your body (or your weight)

Or psychoanalyze every morsel of food that touched your lips?


Where “food is just food” and you’re not thinking about it all the time! (I know it’s taking up SO MUCH mental real estate and you’re TIRED of it.)


From the constant up/down roller coaster of dieting. And to be able eat with freedom, permission, and choice, and actually ENJOY your food. (Including that warm chocolate chip cookie!)


To stop shaming yourself, criticizing yourself, and self-rejecting. (You want to learn how to be kind and loving to yourself like you are to everyone else BUT yourself.)


Against your normal triggers — to take back control from your longest-running ‘Bad’ Habits, and STOP Using Food, Wine, Netflix Binging (Or Whatever your ‘Drug Of Choice’ Is) … As a coping mechanism or a numbing device .

untapped POTENTIAL

Finally feel like you are living up to and stepping into your potential, and experiencing yourself as someone that feels HAPPY and HEALTHY and LOVED.


Giving your friends and loved ones the real you – the version of yourself you are proud of. No more hiding. No more 'masks'.


Because I can promise you THIS (and I have a feeling that deep down you know it too…)

You don't need a new 'kick butt' workout plan. And you certainly don't need another diet.

You need a new way of thinking 

Because what you THINK really is more important than what you DO.

(And you cannot out-diet, out-perform, or out-smart your RELATIONSHIP with food ...and the wiring in your brain.)

It's time for a new approach.

(Because the old way is not working)

Focus on the SYMPTOMS

Focus on FOOD

Focus on your BODY

Focus on your THOUGHTS

Focus on your BRAIN

Focus on your NERVOUS SYSTEM (Physical. Mental. Emotional)

End the CYCLE. Heal the PROBLEM

It's time to learn the language of

that is how you ditch the drama and

 Break the Chains Of: 

Stress-induced cravings and "eating your feelings" in cookie dough

Self-criticism, comparison-itus, and inner “smack-talking” voices.

Playing ‘food police’ 24 hours a day.


Stress eating

Mindless eating

Emotional eating

 but without: 

Crazy-rigid rules

Chronic deprivation

Force-feeding yourself brussel sprouts

Eye-rolling self-affirmations

Hi! I’m Leanne Ellington,

II'm Leanne Ellington, and my struggle with my weight started when I was taken to Weight Watchers at 8 years old, and I carried it all with me into adulthood ... at one point reaching nearly 250 pounds….

and even though (yes) I did technically lose the weight — like…yes, I got there, I lost 100 pounds, got down to my lowest weight, and could finally wear sleeveless halter tops any day of the week….BUT…. I never addressed my addiction-like pull to food and sugar…so I still like I was a slave to dieting or a slave to exercise…

Because here’s the thing:I learned the same “eat less, move more” equation that you learned....

.BUT…. I never addressed my addiction-like pull to food and sugar…so I still like I was a slave to dieting or a slave to exercise…

Hi! I’m Leanne Ellington,

II'm Leanne Ellington, and my struggle with my weight started when I was taken to Weight Watchers at 8 years old, and I carried it all with me into adulthood ... at one point reaching nearly 250 pounds….

and even though (yes) I did technically lose the weight — like…yes, I got there, I lost 100 pounds, got down to my lowest weight, and could finally wear sleeveless halter tops any day of the week….BUT…. I never addressed my addiction-like pull to food and sugar…so I still like I was a slave to dieting or a slave to exercise…

Because here’s the thing:I learned the same “eat less, move more” equation that you learned....

.BUT…. I never addressed my addiction-like pull to food and sugar…so I still like I was a slave to dieting or a slave to exercise…

So I would bounce from one extreme to the other:

I would diet and restrict til I couldn’t take it anymore…. and then the opposite: carefree abandonment – eating whatever I could get my hands on… and then feel guilty or trying to out-exercise my overeating.

I was the OPPOSITE of free. I was also the OPPOSITE of happy!

You would think that AFTER I lost 1/3 of my body weight, I would feel beautiful and happy and free...

But because I didn’t address the Self-Image and body image and the wiring in my brain that was causing me to think, act, feel, and behave like I was fat, unworthy, a failure, destined to stay this way forever (or whatever painful words I was using)...

Yes, I lost the weight... but I brought all of my old habits, thinking, and behaviors with me.

And that’s when I made a firm commitment that I would never be in a place of crazy restriction or obsession ever again, and I decided to examine my habits and my mindset around food and my body.

I went from the ‘business of the body’ to the ‘business of the brain’ and it completely transformed my life.

Only then I was able to find TRUE health, happiness, self-love, and freedom.

And now I help other women (just like you) that feel unhappy or unhealthy take a brain-based approach to overcoming their biggest food and body struggles…

But without having to hate what they have to DO, who they have to BE, or how they have to FEEL to get there.

I call it

And I want to share it with you.

Here’s what some of my clients are saying about it:


Food shouldn’t own you, define you, or control you.

You can eat with permission, freedom, choice…AND pleasure.

play a game that sets you up  to win.

And best of all, you can learn it ONCE, and have 'It' FOREVER

Invest the time, energy, heart, and soul ONCE, and bring the transformation with you everywhere you go.

Take the stress out of eating.

Now…and FOREVER.

Without further ado, let me introduce…

Perfect for modern-day women on a body transformation journey who want to get there easier, stay there longer, and enjoy it MUCH more by merely changing their thoughts.

What’s Inside?


In order to re-wire your brain and reverse the ‘brain damage’ of chronic dieting, we must ‘un-brainwash’ you of The Diet Mentality and all the stories and beliefs that are causing the chaos…and teach you a system of thinking that’s going to set you free.

In other words, we have some chains that we need to start tearing down, we have to take back power from that “Inner Chimp” in your brain, and we need to start removing the ‘drama’ from your Self-Image in preparation for your new one!

You want your brain to do the heavy lifting for you. That’s why I’ll teach you the simple and easy-to-practice ‘language’ of Stressless Eating.

It’s a language that gets EASIER the more you practice it and you get BETTER at it the more you practice it… so that it just becomes who you are.

By The End Of This Phase:

You'll know exactly how to take back power from the 'drama' of your inner critic

You'll start showing up as someone who no longer uses food to shove down a stressful day at work or when your kids track mud in the house.

Food will no longer feel like the boss of you.

“I have spent thousands of dollars and lost (and gained) hundreds of pounds. Every other program I’ve ever done has always been about the food – and about measuring, and about restrictions. No other program ever addressed what was happening within ME, and the constant conflict between my mind and my body.”

Carrie N

which leads perfectly into:


I could straight-up GIVE you the Stressful Eating strategy that I teach my clients, but if we don’t identify those ‘weeds’ in the garden of your mind that are sabotaging you, keeping you from trusting yourself, or straight up setting you up to fail, you’ll always end up right back where you are now. Because you can’t out-strategize, out perform or out smart THAT.

That’s why we must start re-wiring your Brain & Self-Image (essentially the thoughts and stories you are telling yourself ABOUT yourself)… and step into the narrative that actually sets you up to win.

But not this ambiguous “oh just love yourself the way you are” fake-positivity that the world is giving you. I’m talking a systematic, scientific approach to Self-Love and Self-Trust, transforming the way you SEE yourself, and stepping into the identity of the version of you who is actually FREE.

This is the part that most women skip or simply don’t know how to shift, but it’s the most crucial step of the process.

By The End Of This Phase:

You’ll have a reliable and systematic process to take back the ‘wheel of control’ from YOUR inner-chimp.

You’ll have your own custom-crafted 5-ingredient recipe for Self-Imaging to earn back your own trust and finally keep the promises that you make to yourself.

Your one-in-a-million Inner Compass designed FOR you BY you…that will act as ‘breadcrumbs’ to bring you back to peace-of-mind even when things go sideways.

Your Self-Image will be hard-wired for Self-Love and Resilience.

The focus of Stressless Eating was totally different. I’ve done all the weight-loss programs. I’ve tortured myself with gym memberships that I hated, punished my body for not stepping in line, punished myself for being “weak-willed” or “gluttonous” or “lazy”. None of that is true. This program was about self-love. Stressless Eating is about healing"

Renee M

which brings us to my favorite part...


This is where the magic happens!

We’ll take everything we’ve learned, and custom-craft your own personalized and individualized “Big Fat Experiment” where we do a series of guided short-experiments designed to:

  • Learn what works for YOUR brain, and what doesn’t and…
  • Keep what works, ditch the rest, all the while…
  • Building YOUR unique ‘success recipe’ that will go hand-in-hand with your Inner Compass to guide you every single day.

... by simply using the tools that you have in your tool box from Phase 1 & 2.

By The End Of This Phase:

You’ll have a wash-rinse-repeatable system to troubleshoot any curveball thrown your way.

You’ll no longer identify as the woman who eats her feelings in cookie dough or gets caught in the sticky web of comparisonitus.

You’ll feel like a “kid in a candy store” – free to choose exactly how you want create the results you want – no matter what life throws your way

My life is unrecognizable from when I started. By this I mean that my EXTERNAL life hasn’t changed; I live in the same house with my husband and kids etc.... BUT my internal world is completely different. I feel deeply connected to myself and who I am and freedom from my old diet mentality"

Tanith L

PLUS….The Glue That Holds It All Together

All 3 Phases become even more potent when strategically integrated into your brain, and that’s why there’s:

The INFORMATION you need to create new understanding and the necessary shifts in your thinking.

The IMPLEMENTATION side of things where we look ‘underneath the hood’ and find out what this looks like for you to implement these concepts into YOUR life and what you need to do to address your needs.

And then of course the support for the INTEGRATION side of things – living this out in the real world – putting it into practice.


  • All lessons in Video, Audio, AND Visual formats to suit any learning style.
  • Connecting the dots guides and ‘Cheat Sheets’
  • The Stressless Eating Flashcard System that will make you feel like you’re “cheating the system” and transform what you’re learning into ‘hot wires’ in your brain.

This Sounds Great….But Who’s Got Time For All Of This?

Here’s the truth: 

If you’re like every woman on this planet.

You’re busy
You’re most likely maxed out
And you might be thinking: “This brain re-wiring stuff sounds great, Leanne…but do I really have time for it?

And that’s why we kick things with the START SMART Section Including:

    How you can get your time BACK from wasted energy, mindless distractions, and “time warps” on your phone...and make room for this program using my unique "Brain Audits".
    My secret tool that will INSTANTLY hit the “mute button” on your inner-critic, so that the ‘drama’ in your self-talk STOPS robbing you of energy and killing your mojo.
    My 5-minute daily ritual that takes less time than it takes to brush your teeth…and acts as the ‘secret sauce’ to jumpstart your success. My clients tell me that this "brain washing routine" is the closest thing to a 'magic pill' they've ever experienced…
    Here’s what more of my clients are saying about it:
    Did somebody say bonuses?

    Healing the Cycle Of Overeating

    Why take YEARS to heal the cycle of overeating, when you can do it in WEEKS?

    Here’s what we know: It IS possible to smash DECADES of binge-eating, emotional eating, and self-sabotage IF you know how to pull it from its roots and deal with it once and for all.

    We also know that it will NEVER happen if you're playing the game of sugar-restriction or making foods 'off limits'.

    And I promise you: Yes, you can do all of this without needing years of therapy or opening up an emotional “can of worms”. And I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to heal it once and for all so that you CAN eat warm chocolate chip cookies (or whatever your favorite foods are) without the guilt!

    Join me in this bonus training and discover how to remove the weeds and plant new seeds so that you can quit overeating for good.

    My ’Secret Vault’ of Success

    Leverage the power of the 100's of women that have gone before you with access to my entire ‘Secret Vault’ of Success.

    I’ve taken the last decade of my clients' most common questions, challenges, and curveballs, and bypassed the learning curve for you, so that YOU get there easier and faster.

    You’ll be able to zip past the ‘speedbumps’ that typically slow women down, and smash through the roadblocks that you didn't even know were in your way (because they were in your ‘blind spot’.)

    This alone will shortcut your journey and accelerate your progress in a major way!

    ONE YEAR Live Monthly Office Hours & Q+A With Me!

    This program was designed to “teach you how to fish” in an intensive 90-day format.

    But…I’m so certain this will be your new way-of-live (for the rest of your life!) that I want to ensure you are guided, supported, and given a little hand-holding while you go fishing on your own.

    And that’s why I’m including Live Monthly Office Hours with ME for an entire year!

    Your freedom will come much faster, but you’ll rest easy knowing you aren’t alone along the way.

    This is your time to ask me ANYTHING about you need. You can either come to the call LIVE, or you can send in your questions (and I’ll answer them on the call), and you can plan on listening to the recording. 

    Trust me when I say, these calls are MAGICAL! And they ensure that you’re getting the support you need.

    Healing the Cycle Of Overeating

    Why take YEARS to heal the cycle of overeating, when you can do it in WEEKS?

    Here’s what we know: It IS possible to smash DECADES of binge-eating, emotional eating, and self-sabotage IF you know how to pull it from its roots and deal with it once and for all.

    We also know that it will NEVER happen if you're playing the game of sugar-restriction or making foods 'off limits'.

    And I promise you: Yes, you can do all of this without needing years of therapy or opening up an emotional “can of worms”. And I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to heal it once and for all so that you CAN eat warm chocolate chip cookies (or whatever your favorite foods are) without the guilt!

    Join me in this bonus training and discover how to remove the weeds and plant new seeds so that you can quit overeating for good.

    My ’Secret Vault’ of Success

    Leverage the power of the 100's of women that have gone before you with access to my entire ‘Secret Vault’ of Success.

    I’ve taken the last decade of my clients' most common questions, challenges, and curveballs, and bypassed the learning curve for you, so that YOU get there easier and faster.

    You’ll be able to zip past the ‘speedbumps’ that typically slow women down, and smash through the roadblocks that you didn't even know were in your way (because they were in your ‘blind spot’.)

    This alone will shortcut your journey and accelerate your progress in a major way!

    ONE YEAR Live Monthly Office Hours & Q+A With Me!

    This program was designed to “teach you how to fish” in an intensive 90-day format.

    But…I’m so certain this will be your new way-of-live (for the rest of your life!) that I want to ensure you are guided, supported, and given a little hand-holding while you go fishing on your own.

    And that’s why I’m including Live Monthly Office Hours with ME for an entire year!

    Your freedom will come much faster, but you’ll rest easy knowing you aren’t alone along the way.

    This is your time to ask me ANYTHING about you need. You can either come to the call LIVE, or you can send in your questions (and I’ll answer them on the call), and you can plan on listening to the recording. 

    Trust me when I say, these calls are MAGICAL! And they ensure that you’re getting the support you need.

    Stressless Eating FOREVER: (A Lifetime Of Stressless Eating)

    So you go through the program, it works like gangbusters, and you have your freedom. Now what?

    Well some of my clients want to get the next level of freedom…

    Some of my clients want to actually bring this INTO their weight loss journeys…

    And that’s why I’ve connected all the dots and guided you on a journey for AFTER you’ve completed your 90 Day Experiment.

    Now it’s simply time to ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature as soon as possible, so that your version of Stressless Eating (not only) becomes virtually effortless and you can simply practice your ‘new normal’ when it comes to food….but that you know exactly how to take it to the next level and the one after that.

    And that’s where Stressless Eating forever comes in.

    Stressless Eating FOREVER: (A Lifetime Of Stressless Eating)

    So you go through the program, it works like gangbusters, and you have your freedom. Now what?

    Well some of my clients want to get the next level of freedom…

    Some of my clients want to actually bring this INTO their weight loss journeys…

    And that’s why I’ve connected all the dots and guided you on a journey for AFTER you’ve completed your 90 Day Experiment.

    Now it’s simply time to ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature as soon as possible, so that your version of Stressless Eating (not only) becomes virtually effortless and you can simply practice your ‘new normal’ when it comes to food….but that you know exactly how to take it to the next level and the one after that.

    And that’s where Stressless Eating forever comes in.

    Stressless Cooking (With Laura Lea Bryant)

    Can you sense a theme here? I want you to LOVE and ENJOY food!

    And that’s why I teamed up with holistic chef, award-winning cookbook author, and wellness influencer Laura Lea Bryant.

    You see we realized that the same stress and emotion that women experience with food…it shows up in cooking/planning/prepping too!

    To a lot of women, this is a very STRESSFUL part of eating! And that’s why Laura Lea & I created Stressless Cooking — determined to take the stress and emotion out of cooking… and help women take control of their lives by taking control of their KITCHEN!

    You’ll get the ENTIRE Stressless Cooking System. Including: The 5-Step Stressless Cooking ‘Success System’, Stressless Cooking Audit & ’Personality Test’, & Your Big Fat Cooking Experiment Walk-Through as a fast acting bonus when you register.

    Lifetime Access to all Content & Updates

    LIFETIME Access to all content and updates….forever!

    I am so confident that this program will transform your life (let’s be honest: in some cases SAVE your life) that I’m going to back that up with LIFETIME access to all updates, all future releases, and continued access to the content.

    Because I TRULY want you to get there easier.

    Enjoy the journey.

    And stay there forever.

    Stressless Cooking (With Laura Lea Bryant)

    Can you sense a theme here? I want you to LOVE and ENJOY food!

    And that’s why I teamed up with holistic chef, award-winning cookbook author, and wellness influencer Laura Lea Bryant.

    You see we realized that the same stress and emotion that women experience with food…it shows up in cooking/planning/prepping too!

    To a lot of women, this is a very STRESSFUL part of eating! And that’s why Laura Lea & I created Stressless Cooking — determined to take the stress and emotion out of cooking… and help women take control of their lives by taking control of their KITCHEN!

    You’ll get the ENTIRE Stressless Cooking System. Including: The 5-Step Stressless Cooking ‘Success System’, Stressless Cooking Audit & ’Personality Test’, & Your Big Fat Cooking Experiment Walk-Through as a fast acting bonus when you register.

    Lifetime Access to all Content & Updates

    LIFETIME Access to all content and updates….forever!

    I am so confident that this program will transform your life (let’s be honest: in some cases SAVE your life) that I’m going to back that up with LIFETIME access to all updates, all future releases, and continued access to the content.

    Because I TRULY want you to get there easier.

    Enjoy the journey.

    And stay there forever.

    the Stressless Eating System
    [VALUE $9997]

    Bonus: Healing the Cycle Of Overeating
    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $1997]

    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $priceless]

    Total Value = $14,982

    Regular Price = $1497

    Today’s Price = $997

    *Payment plan available*


    The truth is: you can’t out-diet, out-smart, or out-willpower your self-image.

    You’ll always end up back in alignment with the wiring in your brain.

    And if your brain is wired to crave and obsess over food…

    The real enemy isn’t food.

    It’s your thinking and the way it makes you feel. They shape your self-image and self-talk and cause your unhappiness.

    It’s what I call the weight of the weight. And it’s the OPPOSITE of freedom.

    But all that can change with Stressless Eating.

    Just read what some of my clients have to say:

    30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

    I’m so confident that Stressless Eating will knock your socks off that if you don’t feel like you're (metaphorically) learning how to “have your cake and eat it too”...

    ....then simply contact our customer service support and you can request a full refund within your first 30 days.

    Because I know: This is a big decision for you.

    And that’s why with my 30 day iron-clad guarantee, it means you CAN begin this journey with me… but also have this MASSIVE safety hammock that your investment is insured…

    In order to get great results like my clients that you met further up the page, you need to make sure that you’re doing the work because obviously if you do the work and you don’t get results, that’s on me, and I’ll make it right.

    But if you don’t even try, that’s on you. Fair enough?

    This program was only designed for the women that are committed to healing forever, and that means doing the work.

    This system works like gangbusters…if you work it!

    the Stressless Eating System
    [VALUE $9997]

    Bonus: Healing the Cycle Of Overeating
    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $1997]

    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $priceless]

    Total Value = $14,982

    Regular Price = $1497

    Today’s Price = $997

    *Payment plan available*


    So…let’s do a little bit of a check-in here:

    What has this struggle ALREADY cost you?

    How much of your time, energy, heart, soul ,and mental ‘real estate’ are you ALREADY spending thinking about food?

    How much of your life are you missing out on because you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own skin or disconnected from your body?

    And so what we are talking about here is getting your health back and healing your relationship with food…

    But what we are REALLY talking about is getting your life back!

    Not just that — I’m going to show you step-by-step how to stop wasting money on frivolous diets so that you can STOP paying for things that don’t work (or in the end, actually make things worse!)

    But here’s what we also know:

    We know that statistically the average binge-eater spends $5000/year on drive-thrus, Starbucks, and comfort foods.

    We know that statistically the average dieter spends $4000/year on food that they buy and end up throwing away.

    We know that statistically 1 Year of Therapy (going 1/Week) will cost you $5200/year…and that’s IF it even works and solves the problem.


    That’s $14,200 in one year alone!

    Over the course of 10 years, that’s $142,000!

    And that’s to NOT fix the problem!

    So the real question is: what is this costing you NOT to fix it??

    And not just money either — time energy heart soul, wasted opportunities. The “Weight of the Weight” is already costing you BIG TIME!

    Here’s what more of my clients are saying about it:

    the Stressless Eating System
    [VALUE $9997]

    Bonus: Healing the Cycle Of Overeating
    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $1997]

    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $priceless]

    Total Value = $14,982

    Regular Price = $1497

    Today’s Price = $997

    *Payment plan available*

    Got questions?

    “I feel like I’ve tried every diet under the sun, and nothing has worked...why would this be any different?”

    To that question I say: You’re right! Diet’s DON’T work!

    Whenever a woman comes to me that’s tried everything, it’s always a food-focused approach, a restriction-based approach, or using the ‘diet mentality’ (or ‘weight loss mentality’) as the strategy— which in turns makes the problem WORSE as we’ve learned!

    And all that does is take you BACK in the direction of restriction, deprivation, obsession, or complication….or cause you to constantly weigh, measure, track, or account for your food. All of which cause you to OBSESS over food even MORE — when all you want is to think about food LESS.

    Not to mention that most programs are designed to give you short-term results, but only while you’re living inside that weight loss ‘bubble’— and it’s impossible to keep that up forever.

    We take a completely different approach that’s designed with the end in mind: To heal you from the diet mentality and give you a system of thinking that sets you free FOREVER…so you NEVER have to deal with this again! We do this by swimming ‘upstream’ to where your problem actually lives: the mind, the brain, and the self image.

    Unlike dieting or other food-focused approaches that get HARDER the more you practice it (and you get WORSE at it the more you practice it), we swim ‘upstream’ and change the thinking that’s causing you to eat the way you are or use food to fill some sort of void.

    We rewire your brain for FREEDOM by giving you a new language to speak around food — one that you get BETTER at it the more you practice it, and it gets EASIER the more you practice it.

    It’s the difference between constantly putting fires out (fires out, fires out) day after day after day…. VS. finding the source of the fire and preventing future fires from popping back up. It’s a permanent, life-long, forever solution — not a temporary fix.

    “I’ve tried EVERYTHING. What if I’m the one person this doesn’t work for?” — basically it’s that fear or skepticism that ANYTHING will work for us rearing it’s head —

    Ya know what? To me, that actually shows me that your brain is getting SMARTER! Your brain knows that another “eat less, move more” solution is NOT going to fix this problem, and that it WOULD be more of the same.

    And that’s exactly why we have to take a radically different approach— one where you begin with the end in mind and actually fix the problem… and close the open loop in your brain.

    Because at the end of the day, I could give you the Stressless Eating strategy that I give my clients, but if we don’t identify those “weeds” in the garden of your mind that are sabotaging you, keeping you from trusting yourself, or straight up setting you up to fail…. you’ll always end up right back where you are right now. Because you can’t out-strategize, out perform, or out smart THAT. And that is not a food problem

    And that’s exactly why we have to start at the self image. AND that’s exactly why you need BOTH:
    So when I say both, I mean: a new strategy so that the food side of things becomes simple and stressless and sustainable(key word sustainable)…
    but also the brain and self image that you’re going to need to actually make all that happen….or else you’re RIGHT: this time WON’T be any different.

    So ladies…What I’m saying is this: your healthy skepticism and fears that this will be “one more thing that that doesn’t work” is a GOOD thing — it’s your brain’s way of telling you that you HAVE to take a radically different approach to address it this time around.
    And I can promise you this: this Stressless Eating approach we talked about today - and I can say this with 100% certainty - isn’t something you’ve ever failed at before….

    Because you’ve never tried it before. You’ve never started at healthy and started at happy and HEALED your relationship with food and your body.

    This is the radically different approach you need to fix this for good. And this works for absolutely every woman who is ready to put in the work.

    But also…if you really have tried everything and you feel like “i know what to do, but i can’t get myself to do it”… can i challenge you on that and ask: what if you actually don’t know what to do?

    What if you simply learned the diet mentality and the broken model of the “eat less, move more” equation, and that NOW is the time to open your mind to the possibility that your solution is in your blindspot - not in another diet and not in another exercise program. And the reason you haven’t been able to fix this on your own is because you “don’t know what you don’t know” and you ‘can’t see what you can’t see’.…
    And you’re going to need guidance to show you what’s in your blindspot.

    "How much time per week do I need to dedicate to this?"

    Remember: Each week was designed for you to get:

    #① The INFORMATION you need to create new understanding and the necessary shifts in your thinking.
    So you’ll want to plan to dedicate about 1 hour per week to educate yourself and take yourself through the lessons so that we can “un-brainwash” you of the diet mentality…and give you a new ‘kool-aid’ to drink.
    Don’t worry though — I’ve broken it down into easy-to-digest chunks that are typically in 20-minute increments (so you can schedule it and break it up according to your schedule).

    #② The IMPLEMENTATION side of things where we look ‘underneath the hood’ and find out what this looks like for you to implement these concepts into YOUR life and what you need to do to address your needs. This is the part where we really customize and individualize the process… You’ll need to dedicate 30-60 minutes per week to the exploration exercises. Some weeks it is actually a bit less than that. But again, you can schedule this according to your schedule.

    And then of course…

    #③ The INTEGRATION side of things – living this out in the real world – putting it into practice (and that is the part where you are going to need some support, some guidance, and perhaps a little hand-holding while you learn and integrate, and that’s where I come in.)

    First off, and this is my favorite part: Most of what you’ll be learning will be about making shifts in your THINKING. What that means for you is that you won’t need to spend any more TIME implementing what you’re learning. You’ll simply be walking around with new ‘goggles’ while you go live your life — no extra time needed — we are simply redirecting the time you are already spending. How cool is that?

    Plus don’t forget that you get monthly office hours with me. . These calls usually runs 60-90 minutes, but I never get off until every question is answered and every woman is served. Ask any one of my clients: These calls are MAGICAL! 🌟🌠✨ You can either come to the call LIVE, or you can send in your questions (and I’ll answer them on the call), and you can plan on listening to the recording.

    BOTH ways of connecting to the support and coaching will get you the results, but you MUST commit to doing one of them (or BOTH for extra awesomeness!)

    Bottom Line: You’ll want to set aside about 2-3 hours per week for 90 days to really get the maximal benefits of Stressless Eating. But when you think about it… isn’t investing 2-3 hours per week to create a LIFETIME of freedom one heck of a return on your time?! Yea…we think so too! 😊

    "What happens if I fall behind?"

    You’ll have lifetime access to the course and 12 months of live office hours and coaching, so you can complete the material at your own pace. Lifetime access entitles you to any and all updates I add to the program at no additional charge.

    I am so confident that this program will transform your life (let's be honest: in some cases SAVE your life) that I'm going to back that up with LIFETIME access to all updates, all future releases, and continued access to the content.

    Can I go out for pizza or drink a glass or two of wine?

    And the answer to that is: Absolutely! Remember: the goal outcome of the Stressless Eating is FREEDOM!🙌 We want you to be able to live your life, let food just be food, and feel like YOU are in the driver’s seat of your decisions.

    So here’s a DISTINCTION: It’s the difference between mindfully and intentionally eating a couple pieces of pizza because you CHOOSE to… VS… Stuffing your face with 3 or 4 pieces because you “couldn’t control yourself”…and then beating yourself up, or dealing with endless amounts of guilt, blame, or shame …

    …and then of course marking it a “failure”, eating with care-free abandonment from there on out because you already “messed up”, and getting to the point where you simply can’t stand how you’re feeling one day longer…and back to the diet-cycle you go.

    THAT is the cycle we want you to get OFF of.

    It’s not the pizza or the cookie that’s the problem. It’s who you’re BEING while you’re eating it (and the version of you making the decisions!) …THAT is what we want to transform, so that you CAN eat that cookie without guilt! Because if loving warm, chocolate-chip cookies is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

    Can’t I just figure this out on my own?"

    Not if you want results quickly. Consider this program your Fast Track Pass. Each day you postpone signing up for this program is another missed opportunity for your freedom.

    How much time, energy, money, heart, and soul have you already spent NOT to fix this problem? This system has already worked like gangbusters for hundreds of women just like you, and it will work for you if you simply follow the plan and put in the work.

    ...busy moms
    ...busy career women
    ...busy-brained women

    STOP being busy and implement a system that provides you an opportunity to take your power back and STOP thinking about food 24 hours a day!

    On your day off…
    On your vacations…
    As you're falling asleep every night (and let's be honest, it's on your brain first thing in the morning)...

    It’s your choice: keep going full speed ahead with nothing to show for it -- living on the up-and-down diet roller coaster...sabotaging your efforts Tim and time again.


    Start RE-WIRING your brain, so that you just wake up and THINK this way every day!

    Which do you want?

    “Am I too old for this?“ (Or you might be thinking: I’ve been ‘like this’ for a LONG time!)

    And what I’ll say to you is what I say to all my clients whether they are in their 20’s or 70’s! “Age is just a number” because it doesn’t matter HOW old you are, how young you are, or how forgone you think you are. You can get off that all-or-nothing diet rollercoaster for GOOD.

    And when you take a radically different approach and start at the brain and start at the nervous system (and self image)… and commit to actually HEALING this — no more band-aids……not only do you bypass time and short-cut the entire process…but I’m telling you… miracles happen!

    Who is the BEST fit for Stressless Eating?"

    There are three types of people who benefit the most from this program.

    >> You feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING - every diet, program, and plan under the sun - yet you STILL don’t know what would work for you long-term, and the more things you try, the more you feel like a failure and wonder if this is just how it's always going to be. (Of course it's not! You just haven’t learned a way to do it that actually addresses the REAL problem .)

    >> Do you WANT to be done with dieting, but you have no idea what that even looks like, and even though it sounds amazing, it also sounds a little scary and out of your depth. (Hint: This program shows you how to do it.)

    >> You are DONE missing out on your life and and obsessing 24 hours a day, and you're READY to address it for good, so you can start feeling in control and at peace with food and your body…. and just get back to just living. (OMG, YES. Sign up already so we can do this!)

    Isn’t it time you…

    …STOP the cycle of overeating in its tracks — whether that’s binge-eating, mindless eating, stress eating, or “eating your feelings”…(and the self-sabotage and SHAME that perpetuates the vicious cycle)….

    Get OFF the all-or-nothing ‘Results Roller Coaster’ — and stop worrying so much about food, and finally be done with dieting FOR GOOD…

    …Completely HEAL your relationship with food and your body —without depriving yourself, restricting yourself,, or focusing on food 24 hours a day….

    the Stressless Eating System
    [VALUE $9997]

    Bonus: Healing the Cycle Of Overeating
    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $1997]

    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $priceless]

    Total Value = $14,982

    Regular Price = $1497

    Today’s Price = $997

    *Payment plan available*


    This is for you…


    You know what to do, but can’t get yourself to actually DO it…or do it for more than a little while.

    You’re DONE doing the one-step forward, two-steps backwards ‘dance’.

    You’re ready to stop spending tons of time, energy, and money on books, programs, and cookie-cutter plans that don’t set you up for permanent success AND make you hate your journey while you’re on it.

    You’re done feeling like YOU are the reason you haven’t crossed the ‘finishline’ yet— feeling like your own worst enemy or a self-sabotager.

    You’re ready to stop beating yourself up, talking yourself off ledges, and feeling like your body is an all-consuming hassle in your life


    If you’re looking for a quick fix, or a magic bullet, or a miracle pill. This is not that kind of program.

    If you’re looking for a police woman or a belt-tightener. This is not that kind of program.

    If you’re looking for a harsher diet, more intense training, or a way to kick it up 100 notches. This is actually a ‘less is more’ approach.

    If you’re looking for someone else to do it FOR you, again this isn’t that kind of program.

    Here’s the TRANSPARENT truth:

    This is not a food problem.

    It’s NOT a fitness problem.

    The problem is in your brain.

    It’s a THINKING problem.

    And that’s why…

    Another diet will NOT fix it

    Another exercise program won’t do the trick either.

    You need to Re-wire your brain and heal your relationship with food.

    My students and clients STOPPED doing what wasn’t working, and took the time to HEAL from the dis-order and re-wire their brain for freedom.

    …But that only happened as a result of putting in the work and using the


    They signed up because they TRIED to figure it out on their own and FAILED.

    They suffered for years (sometimes decades) of anxiety and shame and felt STUCK inside a food and body prison because they DIDN’T have a step-by-step system to follow.

     You have two choices

    Choice 1:

    Keep wasting time and effort “trying to figure it out on your own"

    Choice 2:

    Take 90 short days to implement the exact steps that have worked for me and HUNDREDS of others, and take back power from the food once and for all….and then just have it forever.

    If you KNOW that you cannot go down yet another “eat this, don’t eat that” road, and you are ready to:

    A) take a radically different approach to your struggles


    B) make a big shift in how you are THINKING (no more band-aids or trying to “out-diet” your struggles)


    is for you.

    the Stressless Eating System
    [VALUE $9997]

    Bonus: Healing the Cycle Of Overeating
    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $1997]

    [VALUE $497]

    [VALUE $997]

    [VALUE $priceless]

    Total Value = $14,982

    Regular Price = $1497

    Today’s Price = $997

    *Payment plan available*


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